The Primal Presenter Shares Big Ideas [Podcast – Episode 15]

Think about these messages for minute. Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount. John F. Kennedy and his “The Decision to Go to the Moon” speech. Hillary Clinton and her “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights” speech. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his “I Have a Dream” speech. These men and women and their speeches housed their big ideas. These big ideas changed the world.

We are going to be discussing how the primal presenter shares big ideas. They dream big. They think big. They share messages that make a big impact.

Many people believe public speaking is a blend of art and genetic advantage. As if some people were given a special slice of DNA that enabled them to be magnetic and form a special connection with their listeners.

But what if it wasn’t genetics at all? What if they simply had learned the framework of a great presentation?

For over a fifteen years now, my team and have designed presentations for some of the biggest brands in the world, and during that time, I’ve uncovered the secret that makes a big idea speech truly great and more imporantly, doable by anyone including you.

In this episode, you will:

-Learn how to structure a big idea pitch

-Discover what types of messages make the biggest impact

-Realize how you can win the hearts and minds of any audience


Patrick Henry speech

Influential Speeches that Changed the World

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